作为一种事后概念的创业机会,是创业主体在创业情境中以私人知识产生特定预期并采取行动的竞争性过程中所发展出来的,与创业者的认知过程和行动模式联系紧密。创业机会的捕获,需要把握创业机会的内涵,并对其来源定位、评估及精准识别机会价值,才能获得富有竞争力的商业成功。本次围绕“创业机会”的主题,选取近年发表在国外顶刊的4篇文章,探讨创业机会内涵、特征、来源、识别方法和作用等。如Strategic Management Journal中Discovery, discernment, and exploitation: Entrepreneurial mechanisms at the nexus of individual and opportunity一文,基于”机会—发现”视角提出一个新的研究框架,认为新创企业从三种不同的机制中产生:发现、辨别和利用。并讨论了此框架在不同环境下的应用,扩展到其他类型的创业,以及机会的可行性作为创业研究导向的构建。如Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice中Entrepreneurial opportunities as responsibility一文,认为创业者利用机会取得进展的一个关键过程是通过识别、选择、登记和协调利益相关者网络,并为利益相关者理论提供了一个全新的视角来看待与利益相关者接触的关键创业行为。Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice中Does It Need to be Broader or Deeper? Trade-Offs in Entrepreneurship Theorizing一文,强调创业研究理论化的共同挑战,并为我们(作为一个学者群体)如何应对这些挑战提供建议,以开发更强大、更有影响力的创业研究,推动创业领域的发展。Academy of Management Perspectives中Has the concept of opportunities been fruitful in the field of entrepreneurship?一文,将创业研究与战略管理领域的一些理论联系起来,强调了机会在创业领域的重要性。
Discovery, discernment, and exploitation: Entrepreneurial mechanisms at the nexus of individual and opportunity
Entrepreneurship; Founding; Information asymmetry; Opportunity; Strategy
Research Summary:Extending the opportunity-discovery perspective on Kirznerian entrepreneurship, we propose a general framework in which new businesses emerge from three distinct mechanisms situated at the individual-opportunity nexus: discovery, discernment, and exploitation. We propose observing opportunities in market exchanges and characterizing their profitability potential based on a component that is common to all observers and one that is specific to individual observers who vary in access to market information. Analysis of an online platform for freelance labor demonstrates our contributions in theory, measurement, and inference. In this context, discovery and exploitation mechanisms shape individuals' entrepreneurial transitions from freelancer to founder. We discuss applications of our framework across settings, extensions to other types of entrepreneurship, and the viability of opportunity as an orienting construct for entrepreneurship research.
Managerial Summary:Entrepreneurial opportunities are present in all markets but there is no systematic way of observing or valuing such opportunities, much less predicting where and when they become the basis for new businesses. We propose doing this with data commonly collected and archived by online platforms. We acknowledge that new businesses are often founded if one is in the right place at the right time; if one can distinguish a great opportunity from a good (or bad) one; or if one is capable of making a market. Our framework makes each of these intuitions empirically distinct, thus offering insights on where, when, and by whom new businesses are likely to be founded.
Barach M A, Rider C I. Discovery, discernment, and exploitation: Entrepreneurial mechanisms at the nexus of individual and opportunity[J]. Strategic Management Journal, 2023.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities as Responsibility
Entrepreneur; Stakeholder; Opportunity; Responsibility
Entrepreneurship involves cooperative efforts in which multiple stakeholders and resources are brought together to develop a valuable product or service. Accordingly, one key process through which entrepreneurs make progress exploiting their opportunities is by identifying, selecting, enrolling, and coordinating a network of stakeholders. However, although there is a widespread realization that bringing new ventures to life requires multiple stakeholders, precious little academic research has taken a holistic approach to stakeholder engagement. In this special issue we: (a) suggest that stakeholder theory provides a novel lens for viewing the critical entrepreneurial behavior of engaging stakeholders—and taking shared responsibility for an unmet opportunity, (b) describe the intriguing articles that encompass this special issue, and (c) offer our thoughts on directions for future research at the intersection of stakeholder theory and entrepreneurship.
Bosse D A, Harrison J S, Pollack J M, et al. Entrepreneurial opportunities as responsibility[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2023, 47(1): 3-16.
Does It Need to be Broader or Deeper? Trade-Offs in Entrepreneurship Theorizing
Opportunity recognition; Opportunity search; Discovery; Organization theory; Philosophy; time; Temporal aspects
Given the importance of theorizing about an entrepreneurial phenomenon, we seek to highlight the common challenges of entrepreneurship papers’ theorizing and offer suggestions for how we (as a community of scholars) can address these challenges to develop more robust and impactful entrepreneurship papers to advance the entrepreneurship field. Specifically, we identify the following major reviewer comments of entrepreneurship papers regarding their scope, common features (i.e., contextualization, boundary conditions, and time considerations), and “point of view”. Elaborating on these common comments of entrepreneurship theory papers, we offer guidance on incorporating these insights when writing or reviewing entrepreneurship papers.
Shepherd D A, Williams T A. Does it need to be broader or deeper? trade-offs in entrepreneurship theorizing[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2023, 47(4): 1003-103
Has the concept of opportunities been fruitful in the field of entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship; Topic Areas; Organization and Management Theory
Recent criticisms of the concept of opportunities either ignore the natural evolution of conceptual definitions in all the social sciences (Davidsson, 2015; Davidsson, Recker, & von Briel, 2020) or substitute different words for this concept (Foss & Klein, 2020). Neither tack provides a strong justification for abandoning the concept of opportunity in the field of entrepreneurship. Indeed, the concept of opportunities has forced entrepreneurship scholars to be clearer about their assumptions, has focused attention on Knightian uncertainty and the process of forming and exploiting opportunities, and links entrepreneurship research with some theories in the field of strategic management. It seems likely that opportunities will continue as an important concept in the field of entrepreneurship for some time.
最近对机会概念的批评要么忽略了所有社会科学中概念定义的自然演变(Davidsson, 2015; Davidsson, Recker, & von Briel, 2020)或者用不同的词来代替这个概念(Foss & Klein, 2020)。这两种观点都不能为放弃创业领域的机会概念提供强有力的理由。事实上,机会的概念使得创业学者对他们的假设更加清晰,将注意力集中在奈特的不确定性和机会的形成和利用过程上,并将创业研究与战略管理领域的一些理论联系起来。在一段时间内,机会似乎仍将是创业领域的一个重要概念。
Alvarez S, Barney J B. Has the concept of opportunities been fruitful in the field of entrepreneurship? [J]. Academy of Management Perspectives, 2020, 34(3): 300-310.